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Tips for Choosing the Right Welding Power Supply

Welding is an art that requires precision and skill for quality, timely work. Some of those new to the trade are initially hesitant about it. While the tools themselves are capable of harm, the likelihood of a trained welder getting hurt is fairly low. Understanding the basics helps a lot in that regard. For starters, […]

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The Classifications of Different Welding Processes

Welding is a flexible art capable of getting things done on an industrial and personal level. Different welding processes allow people to deal with different issues reliably and in the preferred medium to properly do the job. While it sometimes gets confusing to some people, each technique is unique to diversify from the others, so […]

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Why Is Orbital Welding Considered Hot Work?

Typically, if a job operation makes use of welding or flame cutting, it is aptly labeled as a “hot work” job. However, this label has several specifications that are good to know and understand. The main reason such priority is given to this label is for the safety of the workers and welders who use […]

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How Welding Videos on TikTok Are Creating Buzz

When people think of recent additions to the social media sphere, images of dancing teens and time-wasting videos are normally the first to come to mind. While this is the case for plenty of internet entertainment, social media does serve a secondary function. Naturally, as algorithms work their magic on users, people are introduced to […]

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Tips for Getting a Proper & Safe Welding Ground

Welding has many intricacies, and it is not all that surprising when some of them go over people’s heads. However, it is important to understand everything down to the last detail, as the results sometimes damage the quality of your work or health. While there are strategies to performing good welds and methods that aid […]

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3 Signs It’s Time To Automate Your Pipe Welding

Welding is a vocation that comes in many levels of skill and intricacy. Depending on the weld’s required accuracy and intricacy, the error margin gets smaller. Regardless of how some feel about it, a machine can provide the same results more consistently and usually faster than a person can. These are three signs it’s time […]

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